Eastern Ontario
-Latest data shows 19 Clubs with 541 dancers. (Down from 625 last year)
-The number of callers/Cuers is on the decrease.
-Keeping the dancers informed through the Square Times magazine (on-line), the eosarda.ca website, Facebook, and email Bulletins.
-The Harbour Lites & Grenville Gremlins both celebrated their 50th anniversary. Both clubs received certificates from the Ontario Federation and CSRDS.

Toronto & District
-Held 5 joint Club/T&D dances during the past dance season. Profits from similar dance next season will belong to the respective club.
-T&D has a new webmaster – Mary Thurston

South Western Ontario
-SWOSDA continues to have monthly regional dances co-hosted with clubs. Attendance is slowly increasing. The April dance had 8 squares dancing.
-The AGM also took place in April and we have a full slate of officers for the next dance season.
-Frosh dances held in March and April had good attendance.
-SWOSDA is celebrating 65 years with an October 26 Dinner & Dance. The afternoon & evening dance will include Squares in one room and another room for Rounds. A hot buffet dinner is available with advance tickets.

-Waterdown Squares celebrated their 55th Anniversary
-Clinton Wheel ‘n’ Dealers celebrated their 60th Anniversary
-Both clubs were presented with certificates from the Ontario Federation and CSRDS
-Blue Mountain Promenaders are celebrating 65 years on June 8th

The Ontario Federation is looking for a Secretary (existing would like to step down)
Also looking for a Treasurer – Peter Piazza wants to retire

Respectfully submitted,

Dan Roy
Ontario Federation – President

SWOSDA February 22 - Woodstock

Bugle to be published Feb 28