Caller Information
In square dancing, we have the callers. In round dancing, we have the cuers. No matter which discipline you are a part of, they are the ones calling the shots and deciding which step comes next.
At SWOSDA, we decided that callers and cuers should have their own page, devoted to the resources they need to continue to improve and enhance their skills, because this leads to increased overall enjoyment for the dancers and other participants.
This page will serve as a resource for learning tools as well as the minutes of our meetings. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions for how to improve our site and what you would like to see added here.
Need a Caller or Leaders?
Check the Contact List
(Updated March 25, 2024)
Next Meeting – TBD
Frosh Dances are held specially for newer dancers. The program is maintained at an easy level for everyone’s enjoyments. Future Frosh Dance have been tentatively scheduled for the following dates
New Frosh Dances – April 13, 2024
Location: Richard’s Memorial United Church, 360 Edgeworth Ave., London
Check the Events Calendar for details.
Caller / Cuer Training
Training courses are provided to assist interested individuals who would like to pursue the ability to become callers/Cuers. These courses are also attended by newer callers/cuers in order to expand their current skillset.
See the Ontario Federation Website for the availability of scheduled courses (Scroll down, Select Training)
Caller Information Documents
Callerlab – Definitions & Program List
Callerlab – Formations & Guidelines
Callerlab – Other General Docs
Callerlab – SSD Teaching Guide
Entandem / Licensing – A new agreement is effective January 2023. Watch your email for updates