
Member Recognition

Do you know of someone whose efforts should be recognized? Consider nominating them for a SWOSDA Recognition Merit Award.

This new award is dedicated to recognizing any deserving SWOSDA club member(s) who contribute significantly to their dance Club. The nominees’ contributions shall be reflective of a continuing dedication to the normal activities of the Club.

The participation in the Club shall be a minimum of 10 years and one or more periods of time may be added to meet the requirement for the Recognition Merit Award.

The Award is limited to one couple or one individual per club per year. It is to be presented at the April Annual General Meeting of Square and Round Dancers of South Western Ontario.

The deadline for submitting an application to SWOSDA is March 15.

A complete package of Criteria, Nomination Form and Supporting Profile Form is found below

Recognition Merit Award Guidelines

Award Nomination & Profile Form

SWOSDA February 22 - Woodstock

Bugle to be published Feb 28