Welcome to SWOSDA

We are the Square and Round Dancers of South Western Ontario. We are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to spreading the word about the fun and health benefits of square and round dancing. We like to describe dancing as “friendship set to music.”  We have over 300 members in approximately 17 clubs across the region! Each of our clubs are welcoming to new members.

Whether you are a novice or an expert, looking for a nearby club or an upcoming event, you have come to the right place, and we are happy to have you here.

Picture of SWOSDA Square Dance with dancers wearing black and white outfits


From Owen Sound to Burlington, from Strathroy to Shelburne and all points in between, we have a club that’s within driving distance from wherever you are. Find out about our clubs, where they are and what they’re up to. The right club for you is just a click away.


You probably won’t have to look too far to find a gathering near you. Our clubs are regularly hosting events where you can come out, meet new people, refine your steps and have fun. Come back again soon as we continue to maintain and update our events listings.


Do you have questions about Square or Round Dancing? We have all the answers to the most common questions such as what is each kind of dance like, how to get started, do I need fancy clothes, what if I mess up, what kind of music will I be dancing to and so much more!

The Latest News

A Simple Act Of Kindness

Kindness is being selfless, caring, compassionate and unconditionally kind. It is important to remember that you do not know what is going on in other people’s lives and a simple kindness could be the difference of them having a bad day to a having a great day. It is...

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Ontario Federation Report – 2024

Eastern Ontario -Latest data shows 19 Clubs with 541 dancers. (Down from 625 last year) -The number of callers/Cuers is on the decrease. -Keeping the dancers informed through the Square Times magazine (on-line), the eosarda.ca website, Facebook, and email Bulletins....

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Growing Your Club – Part # 1

Who would have been able to predict that square dancing would be placed ˙on hold˙ due to a pandemic? The year 2020 certainly has been one that we will all remember and …… hope to forget! We really miss square dancing and seeing friends that we have met through our own...

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SWOSDA February 22 - Woodstock

Bugle to be published Feb 28